Graphic Designing

Graphic Designing

Graphic Designing course is an art that teaches students how to create visual content using software applications and tools. This program is designed to train students in various aspects of graphic design, including layout design, typography, color theory, branding, and user interface design.

The curriculum of a Graphic Designing course typically includes a combination of theory and practical assignments. Students are trained to use various graphic design software applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, to create designs for print and digital media.

Graphic Designing courses are typically offered as certificate or diploma courses, and the duration varies from a few months to two years, depending on the program's level and intensity. Some programs also offer internships or capstone projects to help students gain practical experience and build their portfolios.

Graphic Designing can be pursued by anyone who has completed class 10th and/or 12th or above.

Benefits of Graphic Designing

After completing a Graphic Designing course, students can work as graphic designers, web designers, branding experts, digital marketing professionals, or visual artists in various industries, including advertising, media, publishing, and entertainment. Alternatively, they can also pursue higher education in design-related fields or start their own design businesses.

Pre-requisites for Graphic Designing

Graphic Designing can be pursued by anyone who has completed class 10th and/or 12th or above.

Duration for Graphic Designing

3-6 Month

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» Concept of Color Mode
» Adobe Photoshop
» Freehand 10, MX
» Adobe Illustrator
» Adobe InDesign
» Pre-Press Work
» Work in Live Project work